- From the Admin Site Map, go to Reports..Report Exports and click on the Team Information report.
- Pick all the fields you want and click export - for the Custom Contact List you are going to create, you'll just need the coaches' first and last names and their email addresses.
- Open the file up in Excel and remove any line that has a blank email address. You can also concatenate the first and last name using the CONCATENATE function in Excel to get a single column of each coaches' full name if you want to have this available in your Custom Contact List.
- Save the file as a CSV file in Excel (File..Save As).
- The next step is to make a Custom Contact List so you can send the email message out. From the Admin Site Map, click on Communications..Custom Contact Lists.
- Click the Add Contact List button, type in the List Name, and click the Add button. You will now see your new list on the page.
- Now you need to populate this new list. On the Administration..Import Data page, click on Contact Import and select the CSV file you created and the new list you created. Click Next Step.
- Match up the fields and click Next Steps.
- If there are no errors, click Queue Import and the file of email addresses and names will load into your new list. You''ll receive an email when the import has completed.
- You can now go to Send Communications and pick the new list to use to send out your email blast.