Some Little League Baseball organizations are aware they can use any web site vendor they choose to use for their League web site -- and some have chosen to use TeamSideline. If you are a member of a Little League organization and are not aware of this, here is the Little League policy regarding web sites:
“...leagues or districts may create web sites outside of the platform provided they also have a web site on Eteamz.”
Little League policy also states you can use the Little League logo on your TeamSideline (or other vendor) web site:
“Use of the Little League trademarks, logos and links to are permitted on web sites,”
Here is a link to the complete text of the Little League policy:
When you are ready to use a TeamSideline Site you can use any custom domain you have already or we can purchase an available domain for you -- it's included in any TeamSideline Site that uses registration and team assignments. We can also add a link on any eTeamz Site to your TeamSideline Site so you can migrate off of the eTeamz Site, be compliant with LLB policy, and give your League volunteers the power and efficiency of a TeamSideline Site.