Editing the text on your Image Rotator image's is now as easy as clicking the pencil icon. For steps on how to create an Image Rotator, click here.
How to Add/Edit Image Rotator Text:
- Go to Go to Content > Image Rotators.
- For the desired Image Rotator, click the pencil icon.
- For the desired Image to edit, click the pencil icon.
- Step 1: Set Up Image Text:
- For Text, enter the desired Text to add to your image.
- For Subtext, enter the desired additional text.
- Note: The Subtext will show up slightly smaller than the main Text.
- For Click URL, you can enter the desired URL to make the image clickable.
- Step 2: Customize Your Text:
- For Font Family, use the drop down to select the desired Font.
- For Font Size, use the drop down to select the desired Size.
- For Font Weight, use the drop down to select the desired Weight.
- For Horizontal Alignment, use the drop down to select the desired Alignment of the Text.
- For Color, use the Color Picker to select the desired color of the Text.
- Click the Save button.