To send a text message to your list of officials, there are a couple of steps need to enable this:
- Add the cell phone numbers to each of your officials' profiles.
- Go to Schedules > Officials Management > Officials
- Select an Official
- Click the Edit Profile button
- Enter their Cell Phone Number
- Send an email to your list of officials with a link to sign up for Text Alerts.
- Go to Communications > Send Communications
- Expand the Official's Contact List to select "Active" Officials
- Click the Next button
- Enter in the Email Subject and type up a message
- Click the Next button and click on the checkbox "Text Sign Up Link"
- Click the Send Button
- Now your Officials will get your email with a link to sign up for Text Messages.
- Send a Text Message to your Officials
- Once you think most of your officials have read and activated their cell phones, go to Communications > Send Communications
- Expand the Official's Contact List to select "Active" Officials
- Click the Next button
- For Text Message, enter the desired Text
- Note: Texts can be no longer than 70 characters
- For Email Subject, enter the desired Email Subject
- For Email Message, type in the desired Email message.
- When done, click the Send Now button to send out both the Text Message and Email.
- Note: All Text Messages will be sent along with an email