Sending Communication
- How do I email Coaches or Players their schedule?
- How To Enable Text Messages To Be Sent
- How do I email the people that have Registered?
- How do I Email Customers that have a Balance?
- How do I email coaches their Schedule?
- How do I email Coaches/Parents their Roster?
- How to send Team's communications
- If I add a video to my communication, it is not playing when people receive it.
- How do I add a PDF as an image?
- How do I insert an External Video?
- How to set up recurring email blasts in TeamSideline
- How a Site Admin can improve mail delivery by having mail recipients add to contact lists
- How to send an Email Attachment
- How do I create a Private/Hidden Page?
- If customers have a balance owed to our league, does the system send out automatic reminders to pay?
- Why do my league emails always show they are from
- How to use the Send Communications feature using a Custom Contact List
- How to email from another email address on an iPhone
- How do my customers opt out of text messaging? Or opt back in?
- How can I remove a filter on one of my customer's email addresses?
- Email Locked Out
- How can I send a text message to my officials?
- Email Communication Limits
- Dedicated IP Addresses for Email Delivery
- How do I setup Outlook with my TeamSideline email address?
- How do I create a list of all last season coaches to send out an email blast?
- Is there a way to send an email to everyone who has signed up to be a Free Agent?
- How do I avoid duplicating email addresses when adding emails to an existing list?
- How can I not have the public edit the downloads on my public page? I do not want them to be able to change them.
- Is there a way to cc people when sending out a bulk email?