If you have the General Ledger (GL) Account functionality defined for your organization, you will have a set of new functionality available to you. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions.
Q: Where do I define the General Ledger Account information?
A: You can define your GL Accounts under Administration > Configurations > GL Accounts.
Q: How can I use the GL Accounts now that they are setup?
A: Once the GL Accounts are setup, you can then associate each Program with a GL Account on the 1 Setup page under Programs > Manage Programs.
B: You can also associate Facilities with a GL Account on the Facility Reservation > Facilities > General page.
C: You can also update Buy Items/Add-Ons by going to Programs > Configurations > Buy Items/Add-Ons, click the appropriate edit icon, and update the GL Account for each Buy Item/Add-On.
Q: How do you un-assign a GL code?
A: Go to Programs > Manage Programs and click on a program name. Go to a program's 1 Setup page and update the GL Account field.
Q: How do you delete a GL code?
A: Go to Administration > Configurations > GL Accounts and click the red delete icon.
Q: How can I report out the GL Account usage?
A: For reporting, you now have a new report available to you titled "Cash Flow Detail with GL Account" under Reports > Report Viewer .