The Multi Program Coupon option allows you to create a Coupon Code that applies to multiple programs.
How to Create a Multi Program Coupon:
- Go to Programs > Configurations > Multi-Program Coupons.
- Click the Add Coupon button.
- Select your Programs.
- Enter your Description, Discount Amount and Expiration Date.
- Select Yes or No if you want the coupon to be Account Assigned. This means that you can go to a specific customer account and apply this coupon to the customer directly.
- Note: When the coupon is created as an assigned coupon, once it is used by the customer, it is deleted from that customer's account.
- Select if you want to have a Multiple Use Code or Single Use Codes
- Single Use Codes will generate the amount of codes you request, each with a unique ID that can only be used by a single customer. Once that code is used, it cannot be used again. Admin are responsible for providing these codes to customers
- Multiple Use Code would be a generic code (for example: DISCOUNT) that would provide to discount to anybody that enters the code. There is no way to prevent this from being shared across customers.
- Select the Usage limit
- Once Per Order would mean that one coupon can be applied to an entire order regardless of multiple siblings, enrollments, etc.
- Each Line Item would allow the customer to receive the discount for each Enrollment on the order.
- Click Add.