One: Enrollment Fields:
1 Go to Programs > Configurations > Enrollment Fields.
2 Add Enrollment Fields for the "non Account Data" fields you will import.
Example of Account Data: Name, Street, Birth Date, Gender, Email Address, Phone are all "Account Data"
Example of non Account Data: Coach Request, Years Played, Friend Request, Jersey Size, School, Team Request, Volunteer Type (Coach, Assistant are the Volunteer Type drop down values).
Two: Create Program:
1 From Programs > Manage Programs: Click Add Program button.
2 From Add Program: Select Youth Registration, Select Sport. Click Next button.
3 From 1 Setup page: 1) Program Name, 2) Program Season, 3) Program Description (type "NA"), 4) Program Duration (start and end of Season). Click Save button.
4 From 2 Configurations page: 1) Click Add Offering button to add Offerings. 1) Sample Offering name is "First Grade", 2) input zero to Regular Reg Fee, 3) input first and last day of next month in Reg. Duration (example 3/1/2022 and 3/31/2022). When done adding Offerings go to next Step.
5 From 2 Configurations page: 1) Click Add Enrollment Fields button to add the Enrollment Fields to Player registration that you want in this Program. For example, you don't need to add "Height" to a Soccer Program but you might to a Basketball Program. When done adding Enrollment Fields go to next Step.
6 From 2 Configurations page: 1) Click Add Volunteer button to add Assistant Coach and Coach as Volunteer types.
This completes the Program creation step.
Three: Create Divisions and Teams to be able to Assign Players and Coaches:
1 Go to Schedules > Leagues & Divisions page.
2 Click Add Division button.
3 Select League Name
4 Type in Division Name (EG: First Grade Boys is one Division Name)
5 Select "Gender"
6 Select "Age Group" = Youth
7 Select "Level of Play" = Recreation and click Add button.
8 In the Teams column click the "0" to go to the 2 Teams page.
9 From 2 Teams page, click Add Teams to add individual teams or Add Placeholder to add several numbered placeholder team names (you can change placeholder names later).
10 When done adding Teams, then click the Blue Square icon to the left of the League Name to go tot the next Division 2 Teams page. Repeat steps 8-10.
Watch this video for the above steps and how to use the Assign To Roster process:
Four: Modify the Core Export File (so you can import the data into TeamSideline)
The list below is all column headings in the Core Player Registration Export file.
Registration ID - Delete
RID - Delete
Registered - Delete
Participant - Delete
Paid ($) - Delete
Owed ($) - Delete
Reg By - Delete
Program - Delete
Division - Delete
Session - Delete
Branch - Delete
Is Removed - Delete
Tags - Delete
Qs - Delete
MemberID - Delete
UnitID - Delete
Status - Delete
FirstName - Change Column Heading to Enrollee First Name
LastName - Change Column Heading to Enrollee Last Name
ProgramID - Delete
DivisionID - Delete
SessionID - Delete
Race - Delete
Gender - Change Column Heading to Enrollee Gender >> and Find/Replace in this column only to replace Male with M and Female with F
Member Category - Delete
Membership Type - Delete
Birthday - Change Column Heading to Enrollee Birthday
Age - Delete
Email - Change Column Heading to Primary Adult Email
Phone- Change Column Heading to Primary Adult Phone 1
Alt. Phone - Delete
Address - Delete
Address Line 2 - Delete
City - Delete
State - Delete
Zip - Delete
Emergency Contact - Delete
Emergency Phone - Delete
Special / Health Needs - Delete
Unit Primary - Delete
Unit Primary Email - Delete
Unit Primary Phone - Delete
Unit Primary Alt. Phone - Delete
JoinDate - Delete
Termination Date - Delete
Waivers - Delete
primary-guardian-first-name - Change Column Heading to Primary Adult First Name
primary-guardian-last-name - Change Column Heading to Primary Adult Last Name
mark-the-position-desired-if-either-guardian-is-interested-in-being-a-volunteer-coach - rename to Volunteer Type. Change the values in the Volunteer Type column to be "Coach" or "Assistant Coach"
primary-guardian-phone-provide-all-10-digits-with-no-other-special-characters - Delete
primary-guardian-email-verify-entry-before-moving-forward-errors-may-result-in-missed-communicat - Delete
additional-guardian-first-name - Change to Additional Adult First Name
additional-guardian-last-name - Change to Additional Adult Last Name
additional-guardian-phone-provide-all-10-digits-with-no-other-special-characters - Delete for now until the export can include a true second email address for each additional guardian.
additional-guardian-email-verify-entry-before-moving-forward-errors-may-result-in-missed - Delete for now until the export can include a true second email address for each additional guardian.
please-enter-the-full-name-of-the-school-the-selected-participant-attends-currently-or-will-attend - Change to "School" ("School" should also be the name of an Enrollment Field you add in step One above.)
please-select-the-participant-s-current-grade-level - Change to Offering
please-select-how-many-seasons-the-selected-participant-has-played - Change to Years Played (should match Enrollment Field call Years Played)
please-enter-the-full-name-of-the-coach-and-team-you-would-like-the-selected-participant-placed- - Change to Coach Request
please-enter-the-first-and-last-name-of-any-friend-requests-also-participating-in-this-activity - Change to Friend Request (Note Friend Request needs to be no more than 50 characters).
primary-guardian-email-verify-entry-before-moving-forward-errors-may-result-in-missed - Delete
Five: Save the File with the changes from the Previous Step to create Player Import File
1 In Excel, press CTRL-H to search and replace all commas in the file. You can replace the commas with either nothing or a blank. You can not import the file if it has commas (since it is a comma delimited file).
2 Save file as "Player Import File YYYY-MM-DD-HHMM" (year, month, day, hour, minutes to track different versions if needed). Player file should now be ready for import.
Six: Import the Player Import File.
1 Go to Administration > Import Data
2 Click the Enrollee Registration Import link.
3 From Step 1 of 3: Upload File: 1) Select the file , 2) Make sure Includes Headers is check, 3) Select the Program, 4) Select the Enrollment Fields (Coach Request, Jersey Size, etc -- add them in alphabetical order to Enrollment Fields 1 - 6)
4 Click Next Step
5 Complete the Mapping process -- for Enrollment Fields 1-6 select them in alphabetical order. Any fields not used choose No Mapping Leave Blank. When done click Next
6 From the Queue Import page click Import. If there are Errors shown fix the errors in the file, save the file and repeat the import process.
Seven: Create the initial Volunteer Import File
1 Save file the Player Import File as "Volunteer Import File YYYY-MM-DD-HHMM" (year, month, day, hour, minutes to track different versions if needed)
2 Modify the Volunteer file to have these column headings:
Volunteer First Name
Volunteer Last Name
Street Address
Phone 1
Volunteer Type
3 Repeat step Six above except use the Volunteer Registration Import link on the Administration > Import Data page.
If you questions, from the Admin area of your TeamSideline Site, on the right, click Help > "Contact Support" to contact our Support Team. -- or email