Note: Manual Playoff Schedules do not generate brackets.
How to set up a Manual Playoff Schedule:
- Go to Schedules > Leagues & Divisions.
- Select desired Division.
- Go to the 1 Configuration > Scheduling page.
- Click the Playoff checkbox.
- For the Playoff Configurations, set each to Manual.
- Click the Save button.
- Note: Go to 1 Configuration > Display and for Playoff Numbering use the drop down to select the "Round & Game" option. This will help you keep track of the Rounds and Games when building out your schedule.
How to build a Manual Playoff Schedule:
- Go to the 4 Create Schedule > Playoff page.
- Click the Manual button to create the empty schedule you can manually Add Games to.
- To start, click the Add Game button.
- For Week, use the drop down to select the appropriate Week.
- For Round, use the drop down to select the appropriate Round.
- For Game, use the drop down to select the appropriate Game.
- Note: When you start a new Round, restart your Games at 1. You must start the game numbering back to Round X, Game 1 for each round.
- For Time Slot, use the drop down to select the desired Time Slot.
- For Home, use the drop down to select either Standings or Game.
- Note: For the first Playoff Game you must select Standings.
- For Away, use the drop down to select either Standings or Game.
- Note: For the first Playoff Game you must select Standings.
- Click the Add button.
- Repeat until the Manual Playoff Schedule is complete.
- Click the Calc & Save button.
To edit Manual Playoff Schedule:
- Click the blue chevron on the right to Swap Teams, Edit Game, and Delete Game.