- The Auto-Coach Scoring feature will send coaches an email with a link for them to score their games. Click here on how to enable Auto Coach Scoring.
- Auto-Coach Scoring is enabled on each division's 1 Configuration > Scoring page.
- If you have two email addresses listed on the 2 Teams page (Primary Email and Alternate Email), the scoring emails will be sent to both email addresses so either recipient can enter in the game scores.
- If you have Coach Sign-In enabled (Schedules > Configurations > General), the coaches can sign into the site and enter their scores as well.
- Once a coach signs in, s/he will see their team name under Team Information.
- They will click on the link and scroll down the page to the Auto-Coach Scoring section.
- They then click on the pencil icon
across from any game to input the scores.
- Then click the Submit button when they are done.
- Once you enable Auto-Coach Scoring on the 1 Configuration > Scoring page, you can see the emails that go out to the coaches from the Communication System Log (Communications > Communication Logs then click the System Log tab).
Note: Auto Coach Scoring functionality is available in our Premium package. Contact sales@teamsideline.com if you would like more information about adding this feature.