TeamSideline Merchant Applications can be requested by contacting
- Business Overview
- Country: United States
- Business Type: Select legal business set-up
- Legal Business Name: Enter business name exactly as it appears on your Tax Returns
- DBA - Statement Descriptor: Enter what you want to show on customer credit card statements (or select the box saying it is the same as the legal name)
- Industry: Non-Profits should enter 8398. All other business select the most appropriate category.
- TIN Type: Change to EIN
- TIN: Enter the EIN for the business
- Business Phone: Enter the business phone number
- Business Email: Enter the business email address
- Business Website: Enter the business website
- Customer Service Phone: Enter the customers service phone number
- How does the business primarily take payments: Customer Enters Payment Online
- Business Details
- Description for your bank statement: Add in a secondary descriptor for your bank statement. We suggest adding TeamSideline here.
- What does your business process payments for, and how are goods sold? Enter a brief description of what you are charging people for (softball league, football registration, sports classes, etc).
- Annual Processing Volume: Enter a dollar amount you expect to process in a full year.
- Average Transaction Amount: Enter your average transaction amount. For example, if your registration programs cost $200-$300, enter $250. Doesn't have to be exact.
- Business Address
- Address: Enter the address listed on your legal business paperwork. This must match what is on file with the Secretary of State. Note: All non-profits MUST have a principal address on file with the Secretary of State. Visit your SOS Business Entity Search website to find yours.
- Account Login
- Username: Create unique username
- Password: Create unique password
NOTE: Even if you are a non-profit, this information must be filled out. This is only used to validate your identity and does not link the organization to you financially.
- Owner Information
- First Name: Enter Your First Name
- Last Name: Enter Your Last Name
- Phone Number: Enter Your Phone Number
- Email Address: Enter Your Email Address
- Country: Select United States
- Date of Birth: Enter Your DOB
- SSN: Enter Your SSN
- Business Title: Enter Your Official Title
- Owner Address
- Address: Enter Your Personal Address
- Add Additional Owner:
- Repeat section 2 for each additional owner in company.
- Enter Banking Account Information
- Link Existing Bank Account: This will allow you to use Plaid to link your bank account.
- Enter Bank Info Manually
- Terms & Conditions
- Review all Terms & Conditions: Must open the links
- Agree to the Terms & Conditions: Must check the boxes.
- Sign Up: Click blue button
TeamSideline will wait for the approval from Payrix and then link your account.
Note: If you need to leave your in-progress sign-up form, you can now click a button called FINISH LATER that will allow you to save your progress. Upon clicking, you will be asked to provide and verify your email address and a unique one-time pin will be sent to your email.