The default placement of teams in the standings is calculated by using “Team Differential” to determine how many “Games Back” teams are behind the team with the greatest Team Differential.
- Default sport scoring is 1 point for a win, half a point for a tie, and zero points for a loss.
- This is true for all sports except Soccer and Indoor Soccer, which use 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, zero points for a loss.
- Team Differential = Wins minus Losses of each Team. For example, Team A has a 5-2 record so their Team Differential is 3 while Team B has a record of 5-3 so their Team Differential is 2.
- Games Back = the Team Differential of the best team minus the Team Differential of each team in the Standings, divided by 2.
- In other words, Games Back = (Team Differential - Team Differenial ) / 2. For example, Team A has a Team Differential of 3 while Team B has a Team Differential of 2, so since (3 minus 2)/2 = .5, Team B is .5 games back.
- After Games Back, tie breakers are using to arrive at the final standings.