The Import Data allows you to upload or import specific types of data into TeamSideline (such as schedules), so you don't have to manually type in the data. If you need specific information or a file layout for the upload, click on the pdf icon to view the information in another browser window. Click on the excel icon to see a sample file for the specific upload.
To start the upload process, click on the underlined name in the Import Name column. This will take you to the next step where you can click Select to pick the File Name you want to use (Note: the file must be a CSV file which can be created from an existing Excel file by doing a Save As in Excel and selecting the CSV file type). If the file you are uploading includes the first row that contains column header names, make sure the Include Headers checkbox is checked. If the file is data only, uncheck the checkbox. Click the Next Step button.
Note: If you are importing a schedule, make sure the Schedule Name in your Import File matches the Location “Schedule Name” on the Locations Details page (Admin Support Map..Schedule..Locations).
Step 2 allows you to map the fields in TeamSideline to the right fields in your file. Click on the dropdowns to map the column names in the file to the column names required by TeamSideline. If you indicated your file included column headers, TeamSideline tries to match up these column headers to the data field requirements of TeamSideline. Once it all looks good, click the Next Step button.
Step 3 lets you review any errors and if everything looks good, you can click on the Queue Import button to complete the upload of your data.