Note: This feature is available in our Premium Package. Contact TeamSideline if you would like more information about our Premium features.
If your TeamSideline Site “Coach Sign In” (under Schedules > Configurations > General) is set to Yes, then Coaches can sign in to see in to see a page will display with a list of the coaches in the Division and their contact information.
Here is how it works:
1) Go to Schedules > Configurations > General and change "Coach Sign In" to yes.
2) Go to Leagues & Divisions and go to the "2 Teams" page for a Division.
3) Add the Coach email address to each Team because once a coach email is on the “2 Teams” page of a Division, then the coach can sign in to the Site using that email address.
4) Now when a Coach signs in to your Site, the Coach can click on the Team Name link. When the Team Name link is clicked, a page will display with a list of the coaches in the Division and their contact information.
If you want them to also see Rosters from the Youth Registration process, then:
1) Go to Schedules > Configurations > General and change "Show Rosters" to yes.
The attached PDF has detailed instructions for Coaches using the Sign In process.
If "Auto Coach Scoring" is being used by the TeamSideline Site, then the Coach Sign In also enables Coaches sign in and score games. Links to score games appear on the same page that displays the Division contact information.